
Soil Pollution Process Explained

Written by Beti Adini Wulandari 0 komentar Posted in:

I think it is not necessary to define again “soil pollution” term, because I already did this in an older post. So, we will go straight to the point!
Soil can be polluted:
Soil can be polluted directly by throwing waste into urban or rural areas, or disposal of pesticides and fertilizers on agricultural land.

Soil can be polluted indirectly by water infiltration (in the soil), water contaminated with toxic substances released into the atmosphere

When soil pollution is caused by toxic substances in the atmosphere we can talk about some particularities. Generally, the most polluted soils are near to pollution sources (and here I refer to large factories). But the level of soil contamination depends also on rainfall regime. When rains are very frequent, the atmosphere is cleaned (water absorbs pollutants from the atmosphere and is absorbed on earth’s surface). So, rains can lead to soil pollution to considerable depths.
From another point of view soil pollution depends on the ground vegetation and even on the soil structure. Economic interests and environmental protection requires that both fertilizers and pesticides to remain asfirmly fixed in the soil, but today, in many cases some of them are taken by the wind, another are washed by rain, and the rest decays over time due to oxidation in air or the action of enzymes secreted by soil bacteria.


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